Joy of Life
Drivier, Léon Ernest

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Alternative Title
Joie de Vivre
Detail, short side, rear of block, view looking towards Eiffel Tower; Proposals to rebuild Gabriel Davioud’s Palais du Trocadéro for the Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (1937) in Paris resulted in Carlu's design for the Palais de Chaillot (with Louis Hippolyte Boileau and Leon Azéma (1888-1978)), enclosing within its two curved wings parts of the original structure. In front of this, created for the fair, are gardens and fountains designed by Roger-Henri Expert, complemented with sculpture.
The lower part of the long basin known as the Warsaw Fountain is framed by two sculpted blocks; "Jeunesse" (Youth), by Pierre Poisson and "Joie de Vivre" (Joy of Life), by Léon Drivier. Source: Wikipedia; (accessed 5/7/2011)
Type of Work
sculpture (visual work)Subject
agriculture, allegory, human figure, music, Exposition internationale (1937 : Paris, France), Gardens, world's fairs, nudes, grapes, violin, "moderne", Twentieth century, Art Deco
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