Summary report no. 2, volume 5, Whirlwind I computer block diagrams, volume 1 of 2 volumes
Project Whirlwind Research Staff

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Part 1 of an in-depth review of Whirlwind I computer block diagrams.
Includes: introduction, the Whirlwind computers, the present set of block diagrams, and the organization of this report; preliminary considerations, storage, parallel transmission of digits, arithmetic considerations, an order code, word length, input and output, checking, required computing speed; a general outline of the system, system build up, storage characteristics, control characteristics, program register characteristics, arithmetic element characteristics, input and output characteristics, readback checking, test storage; the arithmetic element, binary arithmetic, the arithmetic registers, the A-register, the accumulator, the B-register, the operations; the block diagrams, the complete system, the control, test storage, the arithmetic element, and check register; the timing diagrams, program timing and operation timing.